Tuesday, May 29, 2012

More Items for Rug Camp

Here are a few more items I made for my table at the student sale at rug camp.  I try to keep most items hooking related, and of course sheep are a big item since wool is our staple in rug hooking.  I honor sheep every chance I get!

Here's a little Izzie Mae Hooker Snooker doll I made.
Pattern from Raven's Haven with my own embellishments (lace color, basket of wool).

She will be in good company by her twin sis, Lizzie Mae Hooker Snooker who will be carrying a banner that says "hook" on it, if I can configure it in time for camp.

I also got another little cat doll finished and she's a looker.  The cats are my own pattern design.  She is made out of wool fabric with wool facial embellishments and a wool skirt decorated with a wool quillie.