Thursday, September 27, 2012

Quick Magda Cats

I've been working on this little Magda style cat rug for a quick and easy project.  My Townsend is put away to keep our house spruced up for real estate showings, so I've been hand cutting some strips for the cats and the rest will be scraps of left over worms.  I expect in the end it's going to look very helter-skelter, but that's what I'm after by using what's on hand vs. new pieces of wool.

Here's what I've been able to accomplish on the cats so far in brief spurts of hooking.  The cut used in the cats averages a 9 - 9.5 in size.  The other surrounding background worms will be any size pulled from scraps.

The cats are sort of blobby?  Yes, this is true but they will stand out better once the background is around them.  The rest are just wavy lines, little Magda style symbols and what not.  Hope they give you a smile.  Blessings to you!