Tuesday, October 16, 2012

More Photos from Mesa Workshop

With this post I will show the rugs in progress for class members.  In my final post (in a few days) I'll show photos of the rug show on our third day of class.  For additional coverage of this workshop, please see Carol's blog at:  http://www.ticklepie.typepad.com/

While the main focus of the workshop was using techniques and specially selected fabrics to bring an old look to your rug, we also spent some time on studying Magdalena's contribution to rug hooking.  You can see the influence of her work in several of these rugs, along with antique style elements:  scale of size and blocking technique for the background.
Brenda's rug in progress.  I cannot get this picture to rotate correctly in Blogger.  Some Magdalena elements in this rug.
Beth's rug in progress.
Jessica's rug in progress.  Note the Magdalena influence.
Faith's rug in progress.
Carol's rug in progress.  Just a little Magdalena style here with Arizona influence!
Judy's rug in progress.
Tonee's rug in progress using a blocking technique for the background.
Frances' rug in progress, an adaption of my Big Dog Hollow rug using a sheep as the central  point vs. a dog.
Close-up of Frances' rug, note the use of multiple fabrics in this section.
Jac E's rug in progress.  A Magdalena rendition.
Connie's rug in progress; this is Connie's original design.
Rose's rug in progress.
Joan's rug in progress.
Here are some additional shots taken with rugs on the frame.  The angle of these may show progress better than the photos above.