Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thankful for ....

Yesterday I allowed myself to make a hooking mess and spent the majority of the day engaged in working on a new rug.  Since we weren't entertaining and there wasn't going to be any showings on our house, I could play away all day.  My husband generously took on cooking almost the entire TG meal and that was an added bonus!  We kept the meal simple and smoked a turkey breast.  It was scrumptious!

Before showing a picture of my work from yesterday, I'd like to share a few things I am especially thankful for:

  • The fine parents I was born to who always worked hard to provide the best they could for me and my sister; they are the best!  Mom is 91 and Dad died in 2004 but I think of him every day;
  • My wonderful husband who is tolerant of my eccentricities!
  • The art of rug hooking which allows for all kinds of expression and imagination;
  • The friends I see often in my rug hooking circles;
  • The friends I've made by attending rug camps and workshops;
  • The friends I've made by blogging -- most without faces but your kind words and encouragement are enormous gifts to me;
  • Our four legged kids who keep us hopping and laughing;
  • Overall good health, wealth and prosperity;
  • The fact I can share my passion for folk art with you.
So here's the new project which I am calling "Shep's World" and it's in a state of early progress so I can't predict it will stay exactly as it is hooked in this picture.  And no, Shep is not a sheep, he's a dog and this is his big barnyard world with all the animals he watches over.  
I am hoping this rug will turn out to have a very old and folksy look.  It is primarily hand cut and hand torn strips because I do not have the Townsend set up at this time.  The size of the strips range from about an 8.5 - 9.5 in size.  As with many rugs I work on, I'm not very excited about it yet, but it does look better in person than in the picture.  Camera flash skews the colors to look darker and brighter than in person.  I will be tweaking the colors more so it may look quite different in the future pictures.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope your holiday was grand!