Monday, February 4, 2013

Knee Deep in.....a Mess!

I would love to tell you I am knee deep in dyeing wool in beautiful colors or working on a new rug but no, this is not the case.  I am knee deep in moving boxes.  We are scheduled to close escrow on our home on 2/11/13 and move on 2/16.

We purged a lot of unused items last summer in anticipation of selling the house, but still there is so much stuff we seem to be taking forward with us to our next home.  I don't know what a purging experience is like for you, but I find it to be an emotionally painful process.  It involves:

  • Memories associated with acquiring an item:  sentimental strings attached if the item was given to me by my parents, my sister, a special friend; but now it is never used or it is tucked away in a cabinet. Can I let it go?
  • Mixed emotions about letting an item go:  what it meant in the past, but now, years later... is it really necessary to keep it?  Will it ever be used again?
  • Hopes for using the item in the future, such as all those entertainment serving dishes:  will I ever have the energy and zest for holding dinner parties again?
  • Changes in formality:  oh, the fine china, the sterling silver that was once so coveted.... would I really rather go with some very fun, inexpensive dishes that can be changed out on a whim, or how about some amazing and very fun plastic-ware that's out on the market now days?
  • Letting go of old collections that meant so much in the past:  is it time for a fresh new look and maybe (just maybe) a new collection of some sort?
  • Giving things up that cost a lot when originally purchased:  oh my, the amount that has been squandered on all this stuff!
All these things go through my mind as I empty each cabinet, drawer and nook and cranny.  A lot of emotions come into play.... what to take and what to give to the hospice thrift store.  It's a draining occupation to pack for moving.

Since I have no pretty rug hooking pictures to share over this experience, let me show you some of the fantastic cactus I saw in Arizona.  I love the colors and textures of these plants.  They are so fun and amazing!
Mr. Bumpy.

Tall to squat.

Well hello there.  Come on in to visit.

Adaptable:  tall and strong, low and bending.

Variety in size and shape!

Blue to green variety of color.

Don't mess with me!

I said, Don't mess with me Bub!

And I meant it!