Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Kits and Kits, Oh My!

I've had several requests for rug hooking kits lately.  I'm flattered when others want to hook my patterns and when they ask for a kit that looks like what I hooked it is even more of a compliment.  But hooking for the look I achieve, well that's a challenge to fulfill in a standard kit.

Kits make me nervous.  Kits make me sweat.  I've got to be precise and careful to get the wool measurements correct and do the math to charge a fair price for the kit.  Kits are technical in nature:  precision, math, orderliness!  It is a little nerve racking for me; I even procrastinate in working on the order (who me?).  I want my customers to be happy and not feel I shorted them on wool as they work on their project.

Another aspect about kitting:  I hook "all over the place" and pull wool from here, there and every place I can find it in my home when I'm working a project.  So pulling together what needs to be a prescribed assortment of wool to achieve my helter-skelter hooking style can be a challenge.  No less, I'm going to try to be better about noting how much wool I put in a rug as I'm hooking it and keep a ledger so I  can EASILY make kits when they are requested.

So as I've slowly filled the recent kit requests, I got a little bit smarter and made extras of these three rugs:

  • I have TWO EXTRA kits made up of the Bee and Skeps rug
  • I have ONE EXTRA of the Can You See Me? rug
  • I have THREE extra of the Lil' Scrappy Dog rug

If you are interested any of these kits, please email me at

Here are the rugs I've recently been kitting:
Bee and Skeps - two extra kits available of this rug
Can You See Me? - one extra kit of this rug
I have three kits of Lil' Scrappy Dog too if you are interested.
Lil' Scrappy Dog