Thursday, December 22, 2011

Wow! I've arrived at Blogging!

For years I've been reading creative blogs by many fine prim artists.  I've been in envy-land wishing I had a blog, but more than that, I was wishing I had time for a blog!  I often wondered:  how do these ladies do it?  The blogs are so creative!  They write with such ease!  How do they find the time?

In July 2011, I retired after 30 years of public service.  I survived a job that allowed very little of my creative side to flourish, but I pursued many hobbies and interests to survive the boredom and disappointment of my career.  How many of you are out there trying to cope with going to work every day but feeling down trodden rather than uplifted by your job or career?  It's hard stuff.  Having a hobby can really help.  For me, it was finding traditional rug hooking that saved my sanity the past several years.  I found an untapped passion in rug hooking.  And now I have time to try out blogging too!

My interest in traditional rug hooking began in 2006 when I suddenly found myself drawn to hooked rugs.   My husband asked why would I consider a new hobby?  Afterall, there were so many others, left unfinished.  I could not explain my new interest in rug hooking.  It sort of took me by surprise.  I pondered it for several months in order to avoid another hobby mishap:  purchasing supplies, finding the hobby was too much trouble to pursue.  Finally I took the leap and tried hooking.  By my second rug, I knew I was onto something special.  I designed my own patterns immediately, and soon launched a cottage industry selling my patterns to cover my hooking expenses. 

My talent is in creating primitive style rugs that look very, very old.  I love to create anything that looks old.  What a thrill, huh?  Getting something to look 100 years old.  

The picture below is one of my finest hooked rugs for an "old as dirt" look:  a rendition of an antique hooked rug originally made in 1921.  My rug is about 3' by 4' in size.  I call it Big Dog Hollow.

A close-up of the dog shows she's a Momma of many colors:

I love this rug.  I wish with all my heart I could meet the woman who made the original rug.  I would love to know what she was thinking when she hooked her rug.  A dog with a basket in her mouth, surrounded by pups.  What an imagination.  I hope she's peering down from the pearly gates and knows I admire her work so very much!  I hope she and I cross paths some day and talk about hooking.  There is nothing like a sister in hooking! 

Please note:  research I've conducted indicates antique rugs created before 1923 are no longer subject to copyright law and this is why these rug patterns are offered for sale by commercial rug hooking vendors.  Before replicating any antique rug pattern, please attempt to determine the date of the rug's origination to be consistent with copyright.