Monday, February 20, 2012

MM Rug Reverse Hooking

Major reverse hooking in the crow and lollipop
bush areas to calm the rug down as of 2-17-12.

 Reverse hooking, what a funny name for re-work!  By the time I'm done with this rug, I will have hooked parts of it 3 - 4 times. 

I have reverse hooked the background around the lollipop bush 3 times because I was not entirely happy with it.   The third time is a charm, and now I like the background.  I find using light wools the most challenging of all combinations for a background. 

I have rehooked much of the rug in a "less is better" approach, scaling back on miscellaneous lines all over the place, even though that's Magdalena's style. 

Now I am enjoying this rug, and I better like this rug, because it is HUGE!  Here are more pictures of the progress I made through this past weekend. 
More hooking as of 2-19-12.  I took the vase wool out; I didn't like it.
Lulu likes the left dog; as soon as I put the rug on the floor to look at it, she and Maggie sit on one of the dogs.

Upper right leaf as originally hooked.
I hooked the leaf above, then decided it was not "Magdalena" enough, after consulting my book with photos of Magdalena's original rugs.  So I rehooked it as pictured below.  I like the revised leaf better.

As rehooked, the leaf has more lines of colors.