Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Back to my Karen Kahle Rug

As I start this post, I envision some 1930's silent film full of drama and intrigue, with the good guy yelling at the bad guy and words suddenly flashing on the screen:  "Stand back! Stand back I say, stand back!"

I have been trying to get back to my Karen Kahle Primitive Spirit rug that I started in January, so I've been hooking bits of the hit-n-miss here and there between working my Magdalena style projects.

I love hit-n-miss, but there is a lot of it in this pattern.  After a while it gets routine and getting bored is not a good thing for means a rug doesn't get finished.  I love this rug, so I want it finished.  I also have a new antique rendition I want to work on, and wool is pulled for the new design, but I MUST finish this rug first.

You know this is true, but it's something we often don't do enough:  stand back!  Stand back from your rug and look at it from a distance.  Or as Karen says when she teaches, squint your eyes to look at the rug.  Or another technique is to use the reversing glass.  In this case I was standing back and saw it!  Horrors!  A hole in the hit-miss.  Do you see it? 

It's there.  Can you see it?  Once you see it, it looks like a sore thumb.  The hole, as I call, it is an inconsistency in the hit-n-miss.  Too much light / bright versus the balance of dark, medium, light strips.  Here's a picture of it taken from more of a distance.
Here's a picture of the culprit circled.
I will be pulling this area to add a darker line that will blend with the other lines better.  It is a small change, but on the whole, it will improve the rug.  So my lesson learned is "stand back!"