Thursday, March 15, 2012

Can I Magda-ize It?

Today I received an email from my friend Carol, which read in summary: "Your blog got me to searching thru my pattern stack where I knew I had purchased a pattern I never hooked. I think it could be Magda-ized with a lot of modifications. Any suggestions? My fav is her domestic zoo runner."

Before I go on to discuss the modifications I made to the photo Carol sent, I feel I need express my humble opinion.  I think there are two camps for hooking M style:
  • camp 1:  going "all out Magdalena" by adding trademark elements:  abundant lines and hit-n-miss, bunting type shapes in corners and across border areas, crows with cherries in their beaks, a lollipop bouquet, symbols in the background, obscure animals, echoing around animals and making the hooked rug look "old as dirt" as I like to call it; or
  • camp 2:  a modified style of Magdalena's work with cute animal cutouts, but fewer trademark elements; prim, but cute more than antique in appearance.
If you haven't figured out from my prior posts, my prefernce is camp 1.  So if you ask me about a pattern like Carol presented, I want to add as many trademark elements as I can reasonably fit in to create more of an antique appearance. 
Carol's pattern; its a fun pattern. 
Sorry, the pattern designer's name was not included with the picture to give credit.
In an effort to Magda-ize it, here are the two versions I worked up in Photoshop to give Carol some ideas on how to modify the pattern to go "all out Magdalena."  There's not a lot of open space to add more elements, but these markings begin to achieve the M look.
Mockup 1 to add more M style elements.
Carol mentioned she likes the Domestic Zoo pattern design, so I tried to incorporate more symbols from it into this second version in the available open spaces.  Note, in Photoshop I took some of the original circles out of the photo to cover over with lines and symbols for this version.
This version has a few more types of symbols found in the Domestic Zoo pattern.
Carol, thank you for letting me play with this design and I hope it gives you some ideas.  I'm sure you will have fun hooking this pattern.  It will turn out great no matter how you hook it - it's a very fun pattern! 

And just to show you my fondness for lines, lines and lines, here's my M style eagle with more progress since Tueday's gathering.
M style eagle as of 3/15/12.
I am not sure about some of the bunting hit-n-miss yet, but I can reverse hook it.
Also, the bright spots might come out, but for now I like them, sort of.