As you know, I've been preoccupied with moving my mother to a new assisted living facility. The move is officially completed today! I'm exhausted and I tried to take a nap, but I couldn't relax enough to drop off into sleep. So I tried a little eBay and Etsy retail therapy. This woke me up enough to feel like blogging so here's a little chat with you.
First, thank you for all your well wishes and comments of late, in support of my caregiver role. I appreciate the support.
I missed the Magdalena Tuesday group today due to the move and I've been betwixt and between on a little Mag style rug in the animal cut-out style. I'm not wild about this rug, so progress is slow. Here's a little peek at progress so far.
Magdalena style animal reverie in progress. Design is evolving as I hook. |
I couldn't quite bring myself to do the lollipop bouquet again, yet, but I do want to hook it again some day. All the little circles in the bouquet drive me crazy and are tedious, so I made the lollipop into a rainbow in this design. It's my favorite part of the design. It's fun for something different, huh? As I said, I'm not wild about this pattern and at the rate I'm going I don't know if it will get finished because:
I have a couple new Magdalena style designs I want to do instead!!!
I have been overly devoted to dogs for a long time but I do love cats equally even though I don't own a cat right now. So over the weekend I decided it's time to give cats a fair shake at Magdalena hooking.
Here's my progress on what I call "Magdalena Meow Mix" and I like both designs very much. I can't wait to start one! The colors in these photos are for sprucing up the pictures from pure black and white and are not intended as a suggested color plan for these patterns.
Cats with the famous Magdalena leaf. |
Cats with the famous Magdalena lollipop bouquet. |
I would love to have some company hooking these designs. Are any of you interested in joining me? We could do a rug challenge if you are willing. If you would like to consider this opportunity, please email me at and chat with me about it. I'm still turning it over in my mind as to how to take on a rug challenge, but if you like the patterns please let me know. It might need to be deferred until after I return from Cambria (mid-June) but we could hook together to make up these fun cats!