It's easy to find and add cotton fabrics, but getting them to look old is the bigger challenge. I selected a range of quilting fabrics off the bolt that appear primitive and old looking. However, once the fabrics were hooked into the rug they tended to appear brighter than the dull look I want to achieve. Dull is queen in an old look. So I tried to dull down the cottons with some staining, but so far I find that the cotton doesn't want to take up a stain or other dye very easily.
Here are some pictures of my efforts. I'm not so sure you can see much by the photos, but the addition of the alternative fabrics is more evident in person.
Various cotton quilting fabrics are hooked in this part of the rug. |
This is the same picture but from further away. |
So far my favorite alternative fabric for hooking is using my old flour sack dish towels, but even with a very strong dye solution (for cotton fabric) the towel only absorbed a mild tint of color.
I guess it's back to the dye kitchen for me!