Sunday, December 21, 2014

Hooking, hooking wherefore art thou?

This fun picture of Daisy on a rug in progress was sent to me by Lori in New York.  It pretty much sums up my relationship with hooking lately:  it's still close to my heart but I haven't felt motivated to be creative and I'd rather just lie around.

On November 1st my dear, sweet Mother passed away.  Before she died we faced many weeks of complicated health challenges.  Closing in on age 94, my Mother had a good run.  She was a trooper.  She never complained as her little body slowly gave out and macular degeneration darkened her world over the last 10 years.

I miss her terribly and I am trying to find my spirit again.  She was a best friend and a huge light in my life.  I treasure the fact I had a mother who was kind, loving, adoring and giving.  How lucky can you get?  What a gift I had all these years and will continue to have in my memories of her.

I know my spirit will return and time is a healing factor, but right now I'm in the midst of a long winter of the spirit.  I hope your days are brighter!

With this brief post, I wish you holidays that are glorious and bright and may all your dreams come true.  Happy Holidays and Happy New Year.
